• Welcome to Zawiyah Foundation Michigan

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  • About us

    We aim to to cultivate universal values of mercy, love, and tolerance amongst individuals ultimately bringing the surrounding community to a state of uprightness.

    With this, we hope to establish a Zawiyah; a space where two entities meet, connecting creation with our Creator.

  • Events

    Our gatherings are meant to bring

    hearts together for the development

    of a healthier community. Learn

    about what we do

Weekly and Monthly events

Create a legacy: Become a monthly donor

Your donations, God willing, will reach a long way as we establish a community in southeast Michigan.

As a monthly donor, we’ll send a personalized Zawiyah MI notebook and tote bag as a token of our appreciation.

Zawiyah Foundation Michigan reserves the right and discretion to use contributions for religious, educational, and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.